Nutritional Evaluation of Dinanath Grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) at Pre and Post Flowering Stage for Crossbred Heifers

Dinanath Grass (Pre and Post Flowering) for Crossbred Heifers


  • Awadhesh Kishore School of Agriculture, ITM University Gwalior. MP, India
  • Lakshman Singh School of Agriculture, ITM University Gwalior. MP, India


Crossbred heifers, Dinanath grass, Green fodder, Nutritive value, Pennisetum pedicellatum, Pre-Flowering stage, Post-flowering stage


To compare the feeding value of Dinanath grass with sorghum fodder at the post-flowering stage, sixteen crossbred heifers (274±11 d) and weight (85.3±4.9 kg) were grouped in 8 pairs based on their age and weight. One animal from each pair was randomly allotted to one of the two groups DF and SF. In DF, the animals were offered Dinanath grass fodder, whereas, in SF sorghum fodder ad-lib, the fodders were enriched with urea, @ 0.4 and 0.2% on a fresh weight basis, respectively. They were also given 1 Kg concentrate mixture (40% wheat grain; 40% groundnut cake; 20 % gram husk), 30 g common salt, and chalk 30 g daily for 13 weeks. The bodyweight of the animals was calculated by weekly multiplication, of length (cm) and heart girth (cm) of the animal divided by 11200. After 21 days of adaptation, a 7-day digestibility trial was conducted to find out intake and digestibility data. The samples were chemically analyzed for proximate principles using standard techniques. The data were subjected to statistical analysis using suitable methods. It can be concluded that Dinanath grass and sorghum fodders both are equally inferior in nutritive value in the post-flowering stage and should not be continued for a long period.


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How to Cite

Kishore, A., & Singh, L. (2021). Nutritional Evaluation of Dinanath Grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) at Pre and Post Flowering Stage for Crossbred Heifers: Dinanath Grass (Pre and Post Flowering) for Crossbred Heifers. The Journal of Rural Advancement, 9(2), 24–29. Retrieved from

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