Characterization of soil fertility as influenced by age of Eucalyptus spp plantation and site conditions in the central highland of Eritrea
Soil fertility as influenced by Eucalyptus spp plantation and site conditions
Afforestation, Enclosures, Organic carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorusसार
The present investigation was carried out to characterize the soil fertility as influenced by age and site of eucalyptus plantation enclosures in moist highland zones of Eritrea. Three sites: Serejeka, Dem-Sebai, and Emba-Dorho, and; three ages: 7, 16, and 26 years after planting were selected for the study. No significant difference was observed in bulk density with age and site. pH showed a highly significant difference with age but non-significant with the site. Soil organic carbon showed a significant difference with age. A highly significant difference in soil nitrogen content at the Serejeka site, but no significant difference at Dem-Sebai and Emba-Dorho, was observed for age. The amount of available phosphorous in the forest plantations and the non-forested control was low. There was a significant difference in available phosphorus with age only in Emba-Dorho.
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