About the Journal
The Journal of Rural Advancement (JRA) [ISSN: 2347-2561 (P) and 2583-6102 (E)] is published twice a year, i.e., in April and October, in the English language since 2013. JRA is published by (as an official publication), the Institute for Development of Technology for Rural Advancement (IDTRA), run by DTRA Trust (established in 2010; Registration No. 102/2010), Vrindavan, Distt. Mathura-281121 (U.P.) INDIA, a professional body dedicated to rural advancement. The journal started in the print version, but now it is also available in the electronic version.
Indexing: The serial is a CAB International-indexed journal.
Licensing Statement: The content of articles may be quoted by users if they give due credit to the authors (CC BY).
Multi-dimensionality: The Journal of Rural Advancement addresses the multi-dimensions of rural life, including the aspects of agriculture, culture, economics, education, finance, health, philosophy, planning, policies, politics, science, society, welfare, etc.
Open access: The journal is open to all.