Unlocking the Potential: Integrating Mushroom Cultivation into Farming Systems for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Enhancement


  • Arun Kushwaha Department of Plant Pathology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttarakhand


Mushrooms, livelihood, value addition, farming system, income generation


The growing of mushrooms is increasingly being recognized as a sustainable agricultural technique that possesses considerable potential for enhancing people's standard of living of rural people. The production of mushrooms as part of agricultural systems offers a comprehensive approach that maximizes the use of available resources and encourages the practice of sustainable agriculture. This academic essay presents a thorough analysis of the financial, environmental, and social advantages that may be gained from incorporating mushroom production into existing agricultural practices. The article emphasizes major results and gives advice for successful implementation, drawing upon pertinent research as its source material.


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How to Cite

Kushwaha, A. (2023). Unlocking the Potential: Integrating Mushroom Cultivation into Farming Systems for Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Enhancement. The Journal of Rural Advancement, 11(1), 73–83. Retrieved from https://jra.idtra.co.in/index.php/jra/article/view/66